
we love to gather together, speak hope, love and truth through art, journaling and creativity. we know that art channels our emotions and we were all created to create in some way. we want to encourage & build up. our hope and desire is to create a safe place for everyone to know exactly who they were created to be. you were created on purpose with a purpose! 

camp haven for men & women

think back to your favorite childhood memory or age... where you weren’t held back. where you were free & innocent.
let’s go back to that.

imagine you’re a piece of furniture that, when the creator created it, was exactly what it was meant to be. perfect in its own right. as it gets passed on from generation to generation, person to person, they start manipulating it to what they like. different paints, change the knobs, dull or shiny. when we close for restoration, we acquire the tools to strip away the layers & restore to our beautiful self

we work through the soul restoration course by melody ross of brave girls club & you take home all the right tools to apply what you learn to your daily life!

5 day, 4 night all-inclusive retreat in Brenham & Round Top, Texas. includes lodging, amazing meals, your favorite snacks, all the art supplies & lots of surprises & swag. 

grace notes workshop

sometimes it’s just a few true and beautiful words that give us all of the hope that we need to keep going. and just a FEW true words can make all the difference in the world!

the idea for grace notes came as a way to overpower the awful script that sometimes runs in our head, preventing our souls from feeling whole or healed. grace notes are little messages of love, hope, grace and truth that are written directly to our souls.

truth cards (we call ‘em grace notes) have been a part of Brave Girls Club from the beginning, and we have seen the lives of thousands of men and women from all over the world (including ourselves!) healed in little and big ways from the powerful little truths on each card. cards they make for themselves and cards made for each other

in this workshop you’ll learn more about the power of grace notes and then make some of your own grace cards out of chip board or canvas!! 

this workshop is perfect for everyone... we all need to hear the truth!!

includes all supplies needed and lasts 4 to 6 hours. perfect for groups of up to 10 people.

soul books for kids

perfect for school programs, after school programs, or whatever clubs your kids are a part of! 

kids love making soul books, books to remind them what their souls need to hear... not social media or things said to them. it helps them know they are amazing just as they are. 

the kids read through amazing prompts that encourage them & others. the prompts are full of wonderful words that many kids have nevr heard or have forgotten because they only remember the bad things that have been said to them. soul books include beautiful clip art too!

making a soul book is exactly what their souls need when they are having a good or bad day, to remind them what they always want to remember about themselves!!

workshop includes all art supplies need to create a soul book. lasts 2 to 3 hours. great for small groups (up to 8) or large groups (up to 125+)

soul books for adults... just like kids!

lasts 4 to 6 hours. perfect for groups of up to 10 people.

she did it anyways

telling our story can seem so overwhelming, and then putting it into words?? that seems even harder! telling your story is so important, especially when you know that your story will help someone else & show others that they aren’t alone in this. 

in this class, you will walk through your story using word prompts and art. you create wonderful books that you can carry with you at all times to remind you how far you’ve come and what you’ve accomplished in life!! you have done hard things... so let’s tell your story!

includes all supplies needed and lasts 4 to 6 hours. perfect for groups of up to 10 people.

check for upcoming camps or contact if you’d like to host your own workshop!